Update 6- worms pt. 2


The wormy boss now has a model.

Had to fix quite a bit of code to get this all functional. Did you know that in the last devpost's worm, the underlying blocks that worm segments moved towards had seizures?

What happened was that I was calculating the segment positions starting from the head(parent)-side, so every time I changed one segment, every segment after it would also change, but then I'd calculate the next segment, and every one after that would change etc. Repeat several dozen times, and each segment's movement would get progressively more absurd. Weirdest part was that the segments still worked- they're not directly linked to the skeleton; rather, they smoothly move towards their assigned bone in the skeleton.

I also changed the underlying worm skeleton to support IK so that I can pose the worm body instead of just having the head move and segments directly follow it. That way, I can make the boss flail at players, or draw back during charge-up animations. Here's what I've got so far- see how the head moves towards the little object I'm moving around? The segments don't rotate properly yet, but their positions relative to each other are functional so far.

Other than that, boss #3's model is like, 80% done. She's missing a few small features like her tattoos, some sword detailing, and a brooch for the, er, scarf-shemagh-thing she's wearing.

And finally, let's end on an anticlimactic note. I started on a market stall for chapter 3's floating city. Finding money that they'll accept is a small puzzle in itself, actually, since you didn't exactly bring cash up with you. Might also throw it in a blender and used the mangled remains as a background prop in chapter 2's ruined city.

Get Bloodless

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